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 Background of the study

The prevalence of diabetes mellitus in Nigeria has increase from 2.2% as report by akinkugbe in 1997 from a national survey to 5.0% by 2013 estimate of the international diabetes a federation (IDF) by DR ananya mindful, md origin of the full name diabetes mellitus. diabetes mellitus is derived from the Greek word "diabetes" meaning siphon-to pass through and the Latin word "mellitus" meaning honeyed or sweet. this is because in diabetes excess sugar is found in blood as well as the urine. it was known in the 117th century as the "pissing evil".
          the term diabetes was probably coined by Apollonius of Memphis around 250 BC. Diabetes is first recorded in English in the form diabetes in medical test written around 1425. it was in 1675 that thomas willis added the world "mellitus" to the word diabetes. this was because of the sweet taste of the urine. this sweet taste had been noticed in urine by the ancient greeks, Chinese, Egyptians, Indian and Persians as is evident from their literature.
history of the treatment of diabetes subtirunta, aerates and Thomas willis were early pioneers of the treatment of diabetes Greek physicians prescribe exercise as preferably on horseback to alleviate excess urination. some other forms of therapy applied to diabetes include wine, overfeeding to compensate for logs of fluid weight starvation diet. etc. in 1776, mattew Dobson conferred that the sweet taste of urine of diabetes was due to excess of kind of sugar in the urine and blood of people with diabetes. in ancient times and medieval ages diabetes was usually a death sentences. in ancient times and medieval ages diabetes was usually a death sentence the treatment recommendations include

1. Universal and free primary healthcare for all Nigerians, provided by local government. this world fulfill the recommended care in the clinical guideline
2. Free secondary health care, provided by state government. this is also in the line with the care recommended by    IDF guidelines of 2012.                  
3. tertiary health care covered by a national health insurance scheme (NHIS) provided by the federal government of Nigeria and consistent with thw comprehensive care stated in the IDF guidelines.
          frederick banting (right) joined by Charles best i  office, 1924 diabetes is one of the first disease describe
           (1) With an Egyptians manuscript from C.1500 BCE mentioning "too great emptying of urine”
          (2) the first describe cases are believed to be of type 1 diabetes indian physicians around the same time identified the disease and classified it as madhumeha or honey urine noting that the urine would attract ants. The term “diabetes” or to pass through” first used in 250BCE by the Greek Apollonius of Memphis. Type and type 2 diabetes are identified as separate conditions for the first time  the Indian physician  sushruta and charkas in 400-500CE with type 1 associated with frequent urination. Further the ancient Greek physician aerates of Cappadocia (1st century), who also noted the excessive amount of urine which passed through the kidneys
          3 diabetes mellitus appears to have been a death sentence in the ancient area. Hippocrates makes no mention of it, which may indicate that he felt the disease was incurable aretaues did attempt to treat it but could not give a good prognosis, he commented that “life (with diabetes) is short, disgusting and painful
4. the disease must have been rare during the time of the roman empire with Galen commenting that he had recognize e since antiquity and treatment of various efficacy have been known  in various regions since the middle ages and in legend for much longer pathogens is of diabetes has only been understood experimentally since about 1900. an effective treatment was only developed after the Canadians Frederick banting and Charles
Best first used insulin 1921 and 1922. the discovery of a role for the pancreas in diabetes is generally ascribed to joseph meaning and oskar minkowaski who in 1889 found that dogs whose pancreas was removed developed all the signs and symptoms of diabetes and died shortly afterward


Nigeria has the largest population in africa ( about no million() nd of this the adult population ( aged 20-79 years) is a appropriately 79 million one third of all  the rest are in the urban center. about two million of the case of diabetes in Nigeria are undiogoned. death related to diabetes in Nigeria in 2013 were estimated to be 105,091 cases Nigeria has the highest of diabetes in Africa followed by south Africa with 2.6 million cases, Ethiopia 1.9 million and Tania 1.7 million.
The global ( whole world) prevalence of diabetes by 2013 estimate in382 million cases a large population of it (175 million )and lignose and the global prevalence about 2.3% more than half of the deaths due diabetes occur in people less than 60 years old.


More than 95% of cases of diabetes in Nigeria are type 2 diabetes many cases of 1 diabetes may die of acute complication be mis-diagnosed or many not present to hospital due to poverty and lack of health insurance . Gestational diabetes is increasingly being recognized and diagnosed. Most antenatal clinic to glucose meter capillary blood glucose on the first antenatal vist. Diabetes has a strong genetic component this is even stronger in type 2 diabetes which has link with insulin resisteance and dyslipidaemia.
Difference in between type 1 and type 2 diabetes understanding diabetes start with knowing the different types of diabetes and their key difference in type 1 diabetes the body makes little or no insulin due to an overactive immune system. So  people with type 1 diabetes must take insulin every day. Type 1 diabtes usually occurs in children  and young adult can also appear in older adult. While type 2 diabetes your body prevent the insulin it does make from working right. Your body may make some insulin but not enough most people with diabetes about 90% have type2 . This kind of diabetes usually happens in people who are older, although even younger adults may be diagnosed with it. Type 2 diabetes also usually occurs in people with type 2 diabetes are overweight.


Many people are suffering from diabetes without knowing it, nor the cause this lead to  untimely death or unnecessary expenses
The study will outline the noticeable symptoms at the early stages cause of the health conditions and management procedure to combat this dreadful disease.
Diabetes has no known cure can be dietanity and nutritional manages. Despite the fact that many procedure has been taken to known cannot actual cause of this particular disease and procure this disease people cannot dictate or pinpoint the causes of diabetes and most of the people suffering from diabetes are
·        The in proper prescription of the drugs to be taken by diabetes patient
·        unqualified doctor or nurses that diabetes the cause of diabetes to patient
·        ignore of people to abide with drugs prescribed by the doctor or nurse so this study will outline the noticeable symptoms at the early stage causes of the health condition and dietary management of the disease                                         


The major purpose for which the research work is been carried out to expatiate on the prevalence of type diabetes among people of age 0-30 years and also to educate the way we can care for people with diabetes and to the drugs to be taken . How to prevent them, kind of food to be eaten by the diabetes patient
Type 1 diabetes prevalence has been increasing worldwide. Prevalence may reflect accumulation of faulty genes in gene pools of population because off his party genetic background. Therefore the finding of this study will in mind of the patent
Government the need to make the people with diabetes gets enough treatment and care. The finding will expose the various type of diabetes use have and how to care and prevent them in Offa local government kwara state.
it is hoped that this study will train the health officers  about how to prevent type 1 diabetes. Finally it is hoped that the research study will become a helpful resources document in the federal state ministry of health.
The following question will help to reveal and establish the fact of the importance and prevalence of type 1 diabetes people of age 0-3 years in offa local government kwara state as a case study
1. what are the causes of diabetes type 1 ?
2. what are the ways the government are trying to help the people with diabetes?
3. what are the ways we can e able to reduce the number of children with type 1 diabetes
4. what are prevention of diabetes as a whole (both type 1 &2)?
5. is there any relationship between type 1 and type 2 diabetes ?
6. To know if there is increase or decrease in diabetes type 1
This project shall focus on how to prevent type 1 diabetes on the lic examine the major danger associated with lack of care due to ignorance or poverty of some people with diabetes on offa local government kwara state.
The main objective of the project are to :
1. To identify the prevention of diabetes in offa local government clinic and hospital
2. To know whether the prevention can cure the diabetes without any traces
3. To establish a committee to teach and give more information tp people with or without diabetes over the year
4. Recommend methods or ways of reducing diabetes to the offa local government kwara state.
1. Prevalence:- It means widespread and it is distinct from incidence prevalence is a measurement of all individual affected by the disease at a  particular time
2. Diabetes: - It is a disease in which the boys ability to produce or respond to the hormone insulin is impaired resulting in an abnormal metabolisms of carbohydrate and elevated level of glucose in the blood
3. Type one: - An individual considered representative of members of its taxonomic group
4. Diabetes type 1:- it once known as juvenile diabetes or insulin independent diabetes is a chronic condition in which the particular produce little or no insulin a hormone needed to allow sugar ( glucose ) to enter cells to produce energy
5. People:- A people is a plurality of person  considered as a whole no is the case with an ethic group or nation
6. Age:- it is the time of life at which some particular qualification power or capacity arises or rests.

Diabetes Diabetes Reviewed by HERALD CONTENT on 16:48 Rating: 5

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