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This is a socio-technical process that uses resources, influences human activities and facilitates changes in order to accomplish the organizational goals or set objectives.
Management means utilizing resources. There are two aspects of these resources:

a. Human resources
b. Material resources. Both are used to achieve organizational set goals or objectives.
Management could be said to mean getting things done or saying what one wants to be done, then getting it done.
Also, management is getting work done through people. Management can also be perceived as efficient and effective use of resources, getting people to work harmoniously together in order to achieve set goals and objectives.
1.To be able to avoid confusion
2. To achieve set goals with limited human and material resources.
3. To organize the health system into whole (make parts into whole) and ensure the efficient functioning of each part.
4. To use limited resources to render improved quality service.
5. To maintain high stall morals and improve work relationships.

Principle is the basic law of cause and effect; principle can he viewed as rules or fundamental truths or rules that guide actions as well.
Management principles in primary health care includes:
·         Principle of Management by Objective
This principle stipulates that the manager identifies a need or problem, then sets objectives and works towards the achievement or accomplishment of the set objectives.
The objectives have to be clearly stated. In this regard, one must know what is to be done, whose ad when it is to be done. A good objective also assists in evaluation.
·         Principle of Learning from Experience
This principle stresses the .need for managers to learn from previous experiences by identifying previous constraints and problems and improving on the situation.
·         Principles of division of labour
This principle stresses the need for managers to divide or distribute work among members of the group: Division of labour often leads to specialization of skills e.g. surgeons, anesthetists etc.
·         Principle of Substitution of Resources:
Essentially, this principle stems from the concept of economy of scarce resources. When resources are limited, there may be a need to substitute to achieve set goals or objectives e.g. ii may use an attendant to sterilize your instrument while the office could be used for more complex duties.
·         Principle of Convergence of Work:
This principle preaches the right of direction work activities, It stresses that work should be designed and directed as to support each other towards achievement of the set of objectives. Work relation should contribute to the success of
each activity and to the general effectiveness e.g. the health activities are divided into:
a. Service activities e.g. EPl
b. Development activities i.e. Manpower training for EPl
c. Support activities which Involves providing materials for extension of EPI. Therefore all those activities need to be managed to achieve a balance if they must produce the intended result.
·         Scalar Principle:
This principle states that function determines structure. The principle emphasizes the, fact that an. organizational structure is best determined by the functions of each position. Also that each position should have rules and standards and that authority and responsibility are usually assigned to each position.
·         Principle of Delegation.
This principle states that authority and responsibility be delegated to the lowest level at which it can be competently discharged.
Managers should assign duties to lower officers and should assign authority and responsibility alongside with the performance of such a task as a member of the health team.
Therefore, delegation can be defined as conferring authority and responsibility on a subordinate authority and responsibility on a subordinate to perform certain jobs and tat tasks. The application of this principle is important because no single individual can meet the goals of an organization.
Effective Delegation Means That;
a. Duties to be delegated need to be clearly thought through by the supervisor.
b. Offices with delegated duties should be given appropriate authority.
c. Supervisor must establish a control mechanism.
There are some identified benefits associated with proper delegation viz:

i. It is motivational to the subordinates because they feel their skills are needed.
i. It is motivational to the subordinates because they feel their skills are needed
ii. It enhances organizational flexibility because the various members of the team are involved in getting work done, therefore the absence of one or two persons will not jeopardize the work because there is work flexibility in the organization.
iii. Delegation makes for easy assessment of subordinate.
·         Management by Exception:
Management by exception is an essential management principle that is based on communication and information. In management, for a manager to make right decisions for action, information needs to be at the right action, information needs to be at the right time, in the right hands and of the right type.
Managers need to selection information, priorities the decisions; usually it is advisable to make big decisions first then the small ones later.
This principle stresses the fact that managers Should be overloaded with routine unnecessary information because it can easily handicap management. Information should be clear and not confusing.
·         Principle of Shortest Decision Path:

This is another principle that is based on information rind communication.


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