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Motivation is way to make an individual act in a goal directed manner. If the organization has goals and objectives, the ' motivation should be directed towards their attainment.
Also McMahon et al (1980) defined motivation as an “inner impulse that induces a person to act in a certain way, it is a series of inner drives within a. person and exists at different levels. 

Motivators at Work:

These are things that stimulate people at work:
Identify/ motivators as:
i.        Achievement people get motivated when they achieve in an area. Most people like to do things well, they like to succeed, and usually people are satisfied following success. Therefore, it is the leader's responsibility to assist workers or his subordinates to achieve by giving clear instructions, suitable training and facilities to enable them achieve.
ii.      Recognition: when subordinates work, their talents should be recognized by the leader, to motivate such workers. Therefore as a leader, one needed to always-acknowledge good work, success and give praise (reward) for good work

iii.    Work itself most people like to perform work that and helpful to other people. Such work makes good contribution to the achievement of the organizational goal or objectives. Leaders are supposed to keep dull repetitive task to a minimum and always assure workers of the value or importance of their work.
iv.    Responsibility: is the ability to take the consequence for a decision or action whether good or bad. Most people welcome responsibility, while others fear it. As leaders, you are supposed to help subordinates or workers to take responsibility. Advancement in this context means recognition with reward e.g. promotion with increased salary and responsibility, all would lead to job satisfaction, then leader's role in this respect is to increase worker's knowledge and skills, that they can be ready for promotion.
v.      Self Improvement: most workers like to become mature and to. develop. Leaders should he able to give workers opportunities to discover, develop and master the use of their own ability for it is a kind of motivation for them.

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